A Place to Join us every SUNDAY for our weekly celebratory worship service @ 10:30AM.No matter what you have gone through, you can learn to LIVE LIFE TOYOUR FULLEST POTENTIAL! FRIENDS, FAMILIES, SINGLES, & COUPLES areall welcome. For practical and often humorous messages on life,relationships, & living life to your God-given fullest, come &join us! We provide an exciting KIDZONE ministry for all kids heldconcurrently with our service time where nursery aged through 10thGrade will learn a special age-appropiate Biblical message with craftsincluded for the younger! We look forward to meeting you. Once youarrive, a greeter should be available to show you where you need to go.Do your best to arrive early...as we start right on time! KidZone Movie Nights & Bible Study @ 7:00PM Join us weekly during our Wednesday night Casual Bible Study! Take a journey with us as we take time to dig deeper into God's Word tosee how it applies to our everyday life. Also, the kids will love totag along for our KidZone Movie Night of which we show a featurefilm for the elementary-aged kids which runs concurrently with theAdult Bible Study time! Kids will enjoy fellowship with others theirage as we serve up not only a movie but a snack for each attendee! |